For our fish of the week I have chosen bass. Like last weeks post with crappie they are a great game fish (they can be a food fish but are not as good as crappie). Bass are predatory fish and tend to feed on younger bluegill, crappie, and other bass. They are regarded as one of the best north american sport fish because of there weight, fighting strength, and numerous numbers. Bass tend to live in and around cover such as; fallen trees, lily pads, underwater vegetation, and man made structure. Bass can be caught with various lures but traditionally by only one method. Most bass are caught on a moving lure; meaning one that is being reeled slowly towards the boat, dock, or bank. There are a great number of lures that will work such as; spinners, crank baits, jigs, soft plastics, and buzz baits. Color and style of bait tends to depend on water clarity and water temperature. Clear water equals darker lures and murky water equals lighter, louder lures. like wise warm water equals faster lures (as the fish are more active during warm weather) and colder water warrants slows lures (due to the fact that fish are slow and sluggish in cold water).
There are a number of different kinds of bass, but the most common are large mouth and small mouth bass. They are different in body structure, mouth size (obviously), color, and habitats. Large mouth bass tend to inhabit lakes are greenish in color and have very large mouths. Small mouth bass tend to inhabits certain lakes, rivers, and streams. Small mouth bass are brown in color and have smaller mouths. Here is an example.
If you want some more in depth bass tips and tricks check out
Fishing quote of the week: The charm of fishing is that it is the pursuit of what is elusive but attainable, a perpetual series of occasions for hope.
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